Career Guruji! Tussi great ho!

Hey Career Diwanes! We hope all of you who are reading this blog are happy and healthy and you are having a Dhamekar day. We are back with yet another insight which might interest you.
For those who have been regular to our blog, we welcome you back again but for those who are new, we welcome you to the AADI GARG blog where we aim to provide you insights about education and career guidance, child/adolescent counselling and many more.
Today, we will brought you an extension of our previous blogs ‘Building Career Paths’ and ‘Knowing Your Consultation Time which is as important as its interesting factor.

Understanding who are Psychologists

With a light chuckle, we are glad that you asked us this question and we are more than obliged to answer to your doubt. According Google Baba, a psychologist is an expert or specialist in any field of psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of your mind, how it works and how it affects your behavior.
Psychology has many branches of study but career counselling falls under counseling psychology. Similarly, therapy would fall under clinical psychology. Even though, both counseling and therapy use principles of psychology but both of them are as different as Rajma Chawal and Rajma with Roti.
So, even though both career counsellors and therapists would be called ‘psychologists’ but their work and research would vary greatly.

Understanding the significance of psychologists in career counselling

It is true that even in the twenty-first century, we still follow the popular opinion/trend in choosing your career path without even realizing if our aptitude is made for the chosen career path.
In India, we are either bound to fulfill our parent’s dream or compete with the Sharma Ji ke bete or follow the career path of your school topper because if the topper is attending a ‘so and so’ college/university, then the institution promises a good future. We are not doubting the institution but the college/university doesn’t promise you a good future just because it promises one to the topper.
In other words, not everyone can be a psychologist, as they lack the understanding of a seeker’s mind, hence, at times even consulting your teacher who is recognized the best in their field can be equally harmful as consulting Mr. Sharma whose son is now attending some top IIT.
Choosing a career without knowing if you have a real interest or aptitude in it, promises you a great deal of stress, frustration, anxiety, confusion but certainly not a settled future.
Psychologists are not just bound to provide consultation to those who need it. Many career psychologists have specialized in their respective fields and they conduct researches so that their study would expand for the betterment of the career seekers in their countries.
They work on molding the present to make a better future so they study about various tools and assessments which determines the current state of mind of person or in this case, career seekers, and then provide the suitable opportunities, hence providing a path in your career. So, psychologists do not judge you on the basis of your academics its your current mental state which matters to them the most.
Well, that it for this blog! We hope you enjoyed reading it as you gained a new insight from our blog. Let us know what has been your favorite part and also you have any queries regarding this topic. We would also love to know what insight we shall cover for you next but until then,
Let thank and celebrate career psychologists all over the world



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*Date and Time for the testing and counselling will be finalized by the centre, based on availability.