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Our Gallery

Step into the Aadi Career Centre Gallery and witness the stories of success unfold. Each image tells a tale of determination, growth, and achievement. Join us in celebrating the journey towards fulfilling careers and brighter futures.”
From academic milestones to professional triumphs, our gallery captures the essence of empowerment and progress. Let these snapshots inspire your own path to success.


At Amity University, Aadi Garg brought a wealth of expertise and insight to his role as a career counselor. With a focus on guiding students through critical academic and professional decisions, he provided personalized mentoring to help students identify their strengths, explore career options, and navigate the complexities of the job market. Aadi’s hands-on approach and dedication to student success fostered a supportive environment where individuals could confidently pursue their goals and aspirations. His tenure at Amity University was marked by countless success stories, where students flourished under his guidance and went on to achieve remarkable milestones in their careers.


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*Date and Time for the testing and counselling will be finalized by the centre, based on availability.